Monday, September 13, 2010

9/11 WTC 5 and WTC 6

Mystery explosion of Building 6 -- Update: The damaged 6 World Trade Center building Video: WTC Tower 7: Examining Conspiricist Claims: Video: Pulling WTC 6;

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

9/11: Thirty years in the planning

You Tube video: 911 Commissioner Bob Kerry claims 911 was a 30 year conspiracy
You Tube video: WTC Secret Goverment Attacks
9/11 Timeline   9/11 Timeline,

Exclusive - New Video of WTC Building 7 Released Today

After the first World Trade Center tower is hit, Barry Jennings, a City Housing Authority worker, and Michael Hess, New York’s corporation counsel, head up to the emergency command center of the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM), which is on the 23rd floor of WTC 7.  Testimony from Barry Jennings and Michael Hess has rarely been confirmed, until now.  This video was just released via a FOIA (freedom of information act request) and New World Order Report has obtained and released it on the internet. 
Take a look for yourself.  Michael Hess, clearly visible, is stuck in the building.  This corroborates the story they told that on the way down trying to evacuate the building, an explosion occurred inside of the building which trapped them.  The stairway, where the explosion occurred, blew out the last floors in the stairwell.  Barry Jennings gave an exclusive interview with Loose Change creator Dylan Avery begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting where Barry stated that when he was finally found by firefighters, they stepped over dead bodies in the lobby on their way out.  After the video publicly aired, Barry Jennings mysteriously died just before the BBC aired a piece about World Trade Center Building 7...

-Jonathan Elinoff

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